
Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) Fundamentals

July 29-30, 2024 | Online

Click Here to register $1195

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Grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) are emerging as key elements to facilitate the integration and greater penetration of variable and distributed energy resources (VERs and DERs), especially under transmission-constrained conditions.  They can be considered part of a larger category of non-wire alternative (NWA) options that power systems can implement to bridge the gap for needed robust grid expansion and complement performance of the evolving grid.

This event will provide a comprehensive treatment of grid-enhancing technologies (GETs) – the hardware and software technologies that increase the capacity, efficiency, and/or reliability of the transmission grid installed on existing transmission infrastructure to give operators more situational awareness and control over the grid. 

Learning Outcomes

Attendees will gain practical skills and insights on how to:

  • Identify GETs hardware technologies and software applications
  • Evaluate the benefits that specific GETs technologies and applications can deliver to the grid on which it’s operating
  • Examine how utilities, the bulk power system and transmission organizations (ISOs) can implement GETs
  • Assess under what conditions or scenarios GETs make dollars and sense
  • Estimate the costs associated with specific GETs technologies and applications
  • Analyze challenges to GETs deployment and implementation
  • Determine the prospective impact of proposed and recently enacted legislative and regulatory initiatives that will have a bearing on the advancement of GETs
  • Review FERC’s possible role(s) to facilitate GETs adoption


MONDAY, JULY 29, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. : CENTRAL TIME

9:00 – 9:20 a.m. :: Overview and Introductions

9:20 – 10:45 a.m. :: Where Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) Fit in the Broader Grid Health Context

  • What are the grid deficiencies or constraints that GETs can (at least, partially) address?
  • How to identify opportunities for GETs
    • Wholesale electricity market context
    • Vertically integrated/balancing area context
  • Near-term and long-term functions
  • Summary of prospective GETs value propositions
    • Improved integration of distributed generation
    • IEEE519 compliance (harmonics)
    • Peak demand shaving
    • Maintaining power quality requirements
    • Maximizing asset life and performance
    • Industrial load compensation
    • Grid bridging

10:45 – 11:00 a.m. :: Morning Break

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. :: Exploring the GETs Technologies Landscape

  • Hardware
    • Power flow controllers – AC vs. DC
    • Application of high-capacity cables and conductors
    • Enhanced control capabilities
    • Flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS) devices
    • Advanced conductors
    • Others
    • Advanced inverters
    • Syncrophasers
  • Power electronics and software
    • Dynamic line ratings (DLR) vs. ambient adjusted ratings (AAR) vs. static line ratings (SLR)
    • Dynamic transformer ratings (DTR)
    • Topology optimization
    • Advanced power flow controls and other switching technologies

12:30 – 1:15 p.m. :: Break for Lunch

1:15 – 2:45 p.m. :: GETs Attributes & Grid Applications

  • Capabilities
    • Volt/VAR Optimization
    • CVR
    • Current phase balancing
    • Harmonic mitigation
    • VAR regulation and control
    • Power factor correction
    • Voltage stability
    • Transient over/under voltage
    • Frequency regulation
    • Power factor control
    • Sag mitigation
  • Utility / balancing area deployment
  • Bulk power system deployment
  • ISO deployment
  • Codes and standards
  • Storage

2:45 – 3:00 p.m.  :: Afternoon Break

3:00 – 4:30 p.m. :: Under What Conditions or Scenarios Do GETs Make Sense

  • Challenges to deployment and implementation
  • What’s confirmed and what’s conjectural
  • Case studies

4:30 p.m. :: Course Adjourns for Day

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2024

9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. : CENTRAL TIME

9:00 – 10:15 a.m. :: Cost-benefit Analyses

  • Estimating cost to implement
  • Estimating timing to implement
  • Estimating risks associated with implementation and failure to address congestion
  • Estimating monetary value of system benefit
  • Estimating social and reputational value
    • Deferred infrastructure expenses
    • CO2 reductions
    • Impact on curtailment
  • Gauging both short-term and long-term application values
  • Assessing impact on generation projects

10:15 – 10:30 a.m. :: Morning Break

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. :: Measures Anticipated or Required for Broad GETs Deployment

  • FERC’s possible role(s)
    • NOPR “Building for the Future Through Electric Regional Transmission Planning and Cost Allocation and Generator Interconnection” (RM21-17-000)
    • Transmission collaboration between agency and state regulatory commissions (FERC-NARUC TF)
  • Federal legislative and regulatory initiatives
    • DOE “Building Better Grid initiative”
    • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
    • Advancing GETs Act legislation (pending)
    • PNNL-NREL transmission system planning collaboration
    • Offshore wind transmission integration
    • BPA transmission IT capacity optimization
  • RTOs, transmission owners and utilities perspectives
    • Challenges and hurdles for adoption and implementation
  • State regulatory and legislative initiatives
    • New York
    • Illinois
    • Minnesota
    • Virginia

12:15 p.m. :: Course Adjournment