
Curriculum Design and Implementation

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 - 1:30 pm Central Time Zone

A Program

Click Here to register for live program $79

Click Here to register for live program and receive recording $119

All too often, professors and academics receive limited training in how to actually teach their materials. Moreover, millennials and Gen Z students are increasing disengaged from college classes that do not offer a more diversified educational approach. Often times, they come ill-prepared for college level classes. While the lecture format has been adequate at best, you can effectively recalibrate your classes and creatively integrate pedagogical strategies that foster greater understanding and impact.

This webinar will showcase how to:

  • Design dynamic syllabi and lessons that are student-centered and inclusive
  • Differentiate and integrate various textual sources to support different types of learners (i.e. visual, tactile, etc.)
  • Make modifications for students with special needs
  • Scaffold your lessons and incorporate simple yet effective graphic organizers
  • Incorporate better yet simple assessments that build upon your learning goals
  • Include higher level questions and when to pose them
  • Build academic language for struggling students
  • Creatively incorporate impactful group work activities to encourage peer to peer learning

This 75 minute seminar includes a Q&A and discussion of strategic problem solving and curriculum development "how to’s".


Bill Edelstein is a consultant specializing in curriculum development.  He holds Advanced Degrees in Education and Not-for-Profit Development. His professional work has focused on Global Health, Education and Human Rights. He is an adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.