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How to Consult to Physicians and Healthcare Leaders on Compliance Issues

Thursday, 30 November 2017  10:00 AM PDT, 01:00 PM EDT

Training Duration = 60 Min                    Sponsored by Online Compliance Panel

Click Here to register $200.00

Click Here to register and receive CD recording $400.00

This presentation is designed to provide strategies and insights for effectively consulting to physicians and healthcare leaders on compliance issues. It will cover how to think and act like a consultant, deploying a consistent process for consulting, and strategies for communicating with disengaged physicians and leaders.

 Using a case scenario, this presentation will walk through the steps to consult internally on a hypothetical issue and offer insights for how to approach each step in the consulting process.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to think and act like a consultant
  • How to efficiently gather facts, conduct research, and analyze any issue
  • How to draft a written opinion
  • How to handle a verbal ("on-the-spot") opinion
  • How to navigate/overcome disengaged physicians and leaders
  • Strategies for changing the perception of compliance
  • Strategies for improved buy-in to the compliance program

Why Should You Attend:

One of the biggest challenges any compliance professional faces is finding out about compliance issues on the after-the-fact. This is often a telltale sign of healthcare leaders disengaged to compliance. A significant step towards overcoming this challenge is how you handle consulting to them on business objectives that may have compliance concerns.

You want them to see you as a business partner not an obstacle. This presentation is designed to guide compliance professionals through some proven strategies to change the perception of compliance in your organization so leaders engage you on the front end rather than on the back end.


  • Getting into "the consulting frame of mind"
  • The consulting process
  • Analyzing any regulatory issue
  • Communicating your analysis on any regulatory issue
  • Structure and drafting tips for a written opinion
  • Handling verbal ("on-the-spot") opinions such as a meeting or hallway discussion
  • Tips for effectively communication with physicians and leaders to obtain buy-in
  • How to navigate and overcome disengaged physicians and leaders
  • Questions and Answers


Jay Anstine is the President of Bluebird Healthlaw Partners. As a healthcare lawyer specializing in regulatory compliance, Mr. Anstine consults to physicians, senior management and boards of directors on compliance programs and regulatory issues impacting operations.

Mr. Anstine's professional background includes working on the provider and the payer side of the market, for large for-profit and non-profit health systems and small physician-owned entities. In tackling the countless regulatory and operational issues for these diverse organization types, he has developed a deep understanding of the business of healthcare and the regulations that govern the industry.

Mr. Anstine obtained his law degree from the University of South Dakota where he focused exclusively on healthcare law. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for ClinicNET, a non-profit organization in Colorado that serves the medically underserved. He is also a member of the Health Care Compliance Association, serving on the planning committee for the Mountain Regional Conference.